Header 1 - Basic Fomatting

Basic formatting includes line breaks at word boundaries and skipping over extra newlines in the page source. If you can't see it, it is being done properly.

Header 2 - Verified Tags

A quick run through of the tags we have already tested

Header 3 - Font Tags

There are not a heck of a lot of fonts available, but we have bold and italics. OK, it's not really italics, but it's different than bold.

Header 4 - misformats

If this text is not contained by a paragraph tag, nasty things happen. FIXME.

Header 5 - links

Links like this one can be activated by clciking on them, else key L at the end of any page to see a menu of the last 10 links found.

Header 6 - file downloads

Nothing to see yet.

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